
Below are a selection of demonstrations currently running. That said, if there is something you and a group of friends would like to learn then do get in touch and we can put a demonstration on, tailored to your group at a date and time that suits us all - simple!

Demonstrations follow a similar format: tea and coffee on arrival, you watch me do the hard work whilst taking notes on your recipe booklets and plenty of food to try. You will not go hungry!

NB Minimum numbers apply to run classes.

One pot LScape yvonne-lee-harijanto-41745.jpg

Winter warmers

All sorts of lovely dishes to keep you cosy throughout these chilly months. This type of food often gets a bad rep. But despite not always winning the popularity contest, these dishes have many benefits: they are nearly always suitable for freezing, can be made in bulk, feed lots of hungry tummies and don't cost the earth. And, believe it or not some are suitable for dinner parties too - well we think so!

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simple suppers

The emphasis here is on quick - the real 30 minute meals! These meals are suitable for lunches and suppers alike and promise to deliver hassle free flavour in no time at all. Enough said I think!

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Possibly one of the best inventions out there (though you do miss out on a meal by combining two!) and so many options to tickle those taste buds. Savoury and sweet options and no need for excuses for multiple courses - you are making up for a lost meal after all! This demo combines classics with healthy and, of course a little naughtiness!

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Not another Tomato, Mozzarella and Basil Salad

Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a tomato and mozzarella salad but it does seem to be the 'go to' and there are SO many more options out there but we'll be the first to admit the inspiration and creative juices don't always flow freely! This course will give you some fresh ideas of salads that not only taste delicious but will make any buffet table look beautiful and bursting with colour that make you just want to dive in!

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Get ahead dinner parties

Do you always find yourself chained to the stove whilst your friends are having a good chin wag in another room? And, if you are honest, find dinner parties more stressful than enjoyable? Kitchen look like a bomb has gone off by the time the guests leave? This course is for you! This demonstration will leave you able to entertain effortlessly and provide a selection of new dishes to put the fun back into entertaining. P-H-E-W!

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Great for so many occasions and so versatile too. Lunches, suppers, puddings, buffets, children, adults, picnics....the list goes on! Once you have mastered pastry (easier than you may think with our tips!) the filling really is the easy bit. Stock your freezer up or get organised for a ladies lunch. Either way, Wyld Cookery think tarts ought to have a place in everyone heart.