Toddlers at the Table


Toddlers can be little darlings, cute and highly entertaining but they can also have us pulling our hair out and one of the most common parenting issues is feeding...

Wyld Cookery and The Parent and Baby Coach run our 'Toddlers at the Table' workshop for parents of toddlers aged 12-36 months. Our workshops aim to tackle all your toddler related food issues or maybe just re-inspire and re-energise mums (& dads!) in the kitchen!


Classes are demonstration and discussion led. You will be able to relax with a glass of wine and some nibbles and watch Heidi and I do the hard work! We cover all sorts and no question is silly. We have a structure but also want you to jump in and make sure all your questions, woes and mysteries are dealt with so have a fairly informal approach at the same time. We cover everything you need to know and more, answer questions and throw in some live demo's and tasters to top it off. The workshop includes:

  • Realistic expectations for your toddlers at mealtimes

  • Toddler nutrition, snacking and food on the go.

  • Homemade v readymade - FYI don't panic, we're not about to preach, both have their place!

  • Mealtime behaviours

  • What to do when your toddler will not eat

  • To hide or not to hide - vegetables, meats and fruits

  • Live cooking demos

  • Allergies and alternatives

  • Troubleshooting - Q&A for specific issues.

And, of course if there is anything specific you want to ensure is covered please contact us ahead of time or bring a list of questions and we can deal with them during the class.

COST: £65PP INC. a glass (or two) of wine and nibbles



If you are unable to make the advertised classes and have a group of friends who are keen to get involved let us know and we can put on a private workshop at a date that suits you. NB Min numbers apply.


All classes held at 263 Franciscan Road, SW17 8HE.


To book online directly please visit The Parent and Baby Coach's website by clicking here or for any questions please contact Fran at or call me on 07866 716285 and we can take it from there!